Saturday 18 May 2013

Canvas Workshop - Jo Sonja's paints

Hard to think that this time last week we were having fun up in the workshop, decorating canvasses with Liz Black from Applejack Crafts
Here you can see Jacky and Jeanette busy playing.

Oh, my goodness, this is me!  So engrossed - am I going to stick my house here or there?

We used the Jo Sonja's Acrylic Paints & Mediums, together with an array of expensive tools (well, Bridies food is expensive and she only gets that brand because the containers are good for my paints)
This also shows that it is always handy to have an old tile laying around.
See - another expensive tools being used for some printing!  That is the reason that you should not put the lids out with your plastic milk bottles.

What a lovely effect - a bit of blending and a bit of printing (before you ask - bubble wrap, don't throw it away!)

Liz is showing Sue how to do some blending.

Almost there, just a little bit more work.

Every house needs a front door key!

A sentimental word or two never goes amiss.........

............and it is getting there.
All of this fun was with the wonderful:
and don't they just look lush?

See you at the next class!
Lynn x

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