Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Promarker News
Something good has come out of all the rubbish tv programmes I have had to endure, over the Christmas period, at the hands of my darling hubby and his possession of the tv controller!!!!
Yesterday we were sitting having a quiet cup of tea when his daily dose of Matt Hayes Total Fishing came on Quest TV. Imagine my surprise when I watched the resident Carp fishing expert (remind me to change Nicky's title to 'Resident Rubber Stamping Expert') and he recommended camoflaging the hook length and leader line (see, technical knowledge as well!!) with the trusty PROMARKER pens.
So now, Ladies, this is just the excuse we all need to go and buy masses of different colours. Explain to your darling man that he NEEDS them ALL to cope with varying conditions in British waters - in reallity he will, of course, only need black, brown and green - but you can look after the other colours until he finds a shallow swim that has pink, red and purple striped gravel on the bottom of it!!!
So work together, Ladies, it is our turn to play mind games with the Men.
The only downside to all of this is that I have been told that am obliged to watch this programme EVERY evening just in case they come up with another idea to help me. Oh well, you can't win them all!!!!
Love, Lynn xx
Monday, 28 December 2009
Hi Everybody
Can you believe that it has been 5 years since I wrote the very first New Year newsletter for Flutterby Crafts. Such a lot has happened in that time.
I hope you all had a good Christmas. It was very quiet here at Courteney Towers. Grant and I had the house all to ourselves until yesterday, then the parents, the son & the Katie all turned up. Vistitors are like buses, you wait ages for one then they all turn up at once. Still, we had a good game of cards last night - Philip tried to take the pensions off of his Grandparents, but they had the measure of him!!!
So, its all back to work tomorrow. Shop open at 10am and I will, hopefully, have remembered to take off my Christmas Cracker Hat!! Only a short week. Tuesday & Wednesday 10'til 4, Thursday 10 'til 1pm and then Saturday as normal.
Next week we have got to do a stocktake. Can you just imagine all the counting that we have got to do? None of us are looking forward to it. This is where we require your help. We need as much of the stock gone this week as is possible. So I am going to try and encourage you to come in and spend!!!
The type of things on offer include:
In the Paper Shop
25% off all Christmas Stock
Peel Offs (normally 85p each) 10 for £6.50
All 3D Decoupage 20% off
Buy 10 sheets of 12x12 or A4 paper/card and receive 15% discount
10% off of all Jo Sonja Acrylic Paints & Mediums
plus many more offers
In the Bead Shop
20% off of all loose beads no 1 to 8 in the Pick'n'Mix
20% off of all silver charms
30% off of all flatback Swarovski crystals
10% off all bead strings
plus many more offers
Small Print
All discounted items do not count towards loyalty points
during the sale, Promarker pen discount operate as separate scheme.
There, how does that sound? I know that a lot of you have this week for relaxing, so why not make a start on next years crafting - it is the perfect opportunity!!!
See you all tomorrow or Wednesday.
Happy New Year for 2010 and for New Year opening times click here.
Lynn and the Girls. x
Happy Birthday Anne!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Christmas is here at last!!
Grant and I had a lovely weekend with Helen and Jet. Jet loved the snow and we had a great snowball fight on Monday evening. Unfortunately it was dark so I did not get any photos. I understand that a VERY special Gentleman is visiting Jet tonight and we are going to be hearing all about it.
Anyway, we are now going to put our feet up (probably open a bottle of something) and take it easy.
I want to send you all my best wishes for Christmas & the New Year and I am sure you will all join me in thanking the Girls in the shop, for all the help that they have given us all during the year.
Have a great time, make some time for crafting. Remember the sale next week!!
Love from, Lynn x
Friday, 18 December 2009
Newsletter - 18th December
Good morning, Everybody
Wow, what a beautiful morning - if you have not got to go anywhere!! Such a shame that it did not wait one more week. How magical it would be to wake up to snow on Christmas Day. Anyway, I hope all of you are safe and take it easy in this weather.
I am waiting to find out if the trains will be running ok because Helen and Jet are due to come here today and stay for the weekend. The snow has given me very mixed feelings. I want it to disappear so that all the travelling can be done safely, but I want the snow so that we can have fun playing in it!! Need to make my mind up.
If they get here safely our Christmas will start. The tree will go up tonight and one very excited little girl will help her happy nanny decorate it. Wonderful!
Talking of Christmas - we have got the Kids Christmas Gift making day tomorrow. We will be help the Kids to make a gift for their favourite Him and Her - cannot tell you what will be made, its a secret shhhhhhh! For more details check out the website. Remember it will give you a peaceful few hours to get jobs done or put up you feet, while we take care of the little darlings.
Hopefully you are all organised and ready to relax, take a break, spend a wonderful time with your families. You never know, you might find time to do some restful crafting - I certainly am hoping to get some making time, mind you Grant and I (stupidly!) decided to decorate our hall and stairway - idiots that we are.
Then we will be into the New Year and a new start. The workshops re-start in earnest on the second week in January. We have got the new brochures in the shop or you can download it from the website.
Between Christmas and New Year I will be opening the shop for a few days and we will be having a bit of a sale - 25% off of Christmas stock and a few other bits & pieces - Ruth is going to have some fun in the bead shop putting a sale price on some of the beads!!
If you are still looking for something for your dearly beloveds to buy for you, we have some wonderful magnifying craft lamps in the shop and some lovely BIG metallic coloured beads - perfect Christmas present and we have a gift voucher system if you do not want something specific.
What else? Ah, remember that we will be closed for stock taking on the first week in January - I have to keep reminding the girls that although we are closed this doesn't mean that they don't have to come in!! I don't think they are looking forward to it.
If any of you receive the Trimcraft inspiration newsletter, you will have seen that Dovecraft have a new range coming out in the new year - Pepper and Friends. It is a gorgeous range and we will be having it in as soon as it is released!! Something to look forward to.
Watch out for some exciting news towards the end of January, next year is going to be a good year. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.
With love, hugs and all best wishes from
Lynn, Nicky, Anne, Ruth, Joanna, Catherine and Caitlin.
24 December, OPEN 10.00am-1.00pm
25 December, CLOSED
26 December, CLOSED
27 December, CLOSED
28 December, CLOSED
29 December, 10.00am-4.00pm
30 December, 10.00am-4.00pm
31 December, 10.00am-1.00pm
1 January, CLOSED
2 January OPEN 9.30-5.00pm
3 January 'til 8 January, CLOSED for stocktaking
9 January OPEN 9.30am-5.00pm as usual
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Slider Cards
To avoid disappointment why not book yourself now onto Lynn's popular Card Crafting workshop by calling her on 01635 86099, e-mailing or visit the shop.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Childrens workshops
I know that I said I would not be sending another newsletter before Christmas, but this one is a special one.
There has been a lot being said at the moment about the new regulations for the safety of children and we got caught up in the hysteria surrounding it. I spent too much time reading the press and listening to heresay about the situation, went into a spin and decided that we would not be able to continue with the Kids Klubs.
At the beginning of the week Grant went on the hunt through the new regulations and discussed the matter with those that know and the conclusion is that we are ok - certainly for the next 8 to 10 months - to continue with the programme that we have been running. Ruth, Catherine and myself have all been CRB through work that we have previously carried out with children.
So, to this end we will be re-instating the Kids Klub for the new year and it will start on the first Saturday morning in February. Details of the school holiday workshops will be added shortly into the new year and we are able to continue offering Birthday Parties. How's that? All we need now is for enough kids to keep it going.
To celebrate this good news we are going to be holding a His'n'Hers Christmas Gift Making Day next Saturday, the 19th December, from 10am 'til 3pm. The idea will be that they will make a pressie for Mum (Nan, Aunt, Sister etc) or Dad (Granddad, Uncle, Brother etc). There will be one workshop in the morning 10 'til 12, then afternoon workshop 1'til 3. The cost will be £15 per session or £25 for the whole day (remember to bring a lunchbox). Click here for full details on the website.
So that is all for the time being and the next one really will not be until I send out the Christmas wishes just before the main event. Oh, except for one thing - take a look at this - I know I am biased, but what a little poppet!! My favourite little angel this Christmas and what a wonderful job her Mummy did with her first Nativity outfit. Fantastic what a pillow case and a bit of tinsel can turn into!
See you all soon and remember to get the kids booked in for next weekend - have a break yourself.
With best wishes
Lynn and the Girls
Thursday, 10 December 2009
My Little Angel

Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Flutterby Craft Gift Vouchers
Don't forget that if you want to buy a gift for your partner, relative or friend why not give them a gift voucher to spend in the shop after Christmas!
Just speak to one of the girls in the shop who will prepare a gift voucher and decorated wallet for the perfect present for any crafter or jewellery designer!
I only wish my husband would read this blog entry and get the hint!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
ProMarker Challenge Entries - November
Nicky gave the members of the ProMarker Challenge Club some stamped images which they coloured in using the colours BLUE and BROWN with their ProMarkers.
Card entry#1 has used the Ollyfant stamps of Indian Girl and card entry #2 has used the Whiff of Joy stamp called Henry Mouse with large tea cup. A large selection of Whiff of Joy stamps are now in stock at Flutterby Crafts and they are gorgeous to use with your ProMarkers.
Vote online by leaving a comment below, or post your vote next time you go into the shop for your favorite card.
6 February , 2-4pm
£7.50 per person
If you would like to book your place at the next ProMarker Challenge Club call us on 01635 860900, pop into the shop, email us on or for further details click here.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Newsletter - 4th December
What a beautiful morning!! When we walked the dogs, at some unearthly hour, the moon was full and the sun was just coming up, the sky clear and the air was crisp. It was freezing cold with a hard frost and a mist across the fields. Absolutely charming and beautiful. I love mornings like that!
And why should it not be like that? It is December after all!! Can you believe how fast this year has gone. What an eventful year it has been. Between my little sister emigrating, Dad having his accident with the kettle, my other sister moving, Katie getting her job in London, Philip moving back in, us adopting Bridie and loosing Kes, Nicky having her operation and Gavin with his back operations - it has been a complete year of ups and downs.
From what I hear, it has been the same for so many people this year. Goodness knows which star sign planets are clashing with which, but I wish they would move on and give us all a break.
I did hear some good news yesterday, though. Some dear friends of Grant and mine became Grandparents for the first time. Their daughter had a little pair of blue bootees. Tony had desperately wanted a son but was blessed with 3 daughters, but now he had a Grandson - how wonderful.
And another friend, who is a distance away, became a Grandma to a pink pair of bootees. All is well in the world. Both babies are good and the Mums are well. Bless!
So, what is happening in the world of Flutterbys?
Well, I am going to start by congratulating Gavin (Nicky's Hubby). He is retraining as an electrician and he passed his first exams with a credit. Well done!
We are organised!! The new year workshop listing has been done and the brochure has been printed!! Never been known that we are that advanced. Joanna has worked hard on it this week and there will be a printable version on the website by the end of the weekend. Click here for the place to watch.
The brochure shows all of the regular workshops. As yet we have not sorted any specials, mainly because we have a few ideas up our sleeve which we have still to finalise. As we sort out the specials I will send a newsletter with the information and it will be posted on the website/blog.
We have been asked recently about the Christmas Wish List, so these are now available in the shop.
Joanna has been doing a wonderful job on the blog, keep it updated with news about the workshops and the projects that have been done. Nicky has made some wonderful things for the Christmas workshops. If you cannot get into the shop to look at them in person, make sure you check them out on the blog. Please leave comments, it does our hearts good to hear what you think (provided it is complimentary!!).
So, that brings me nearly to the end of this letter. I know, I know it is only a dozen pages long. I hope you have all noticed that I am not writing so many in the middle of the night these days. Grant has noticed, I am not leaving him to snore in peace!!
There will probably be only one more newsletter before the year ends and that will be Christmas week. Our Christmas opening times have been posted on the website on the 'contact us' page. But in brief, we are basically closing on Christmas Eve at lunchtime and re-opening on the Tuesday, then closing at lunchtime on New Years Eve and then we are closed until the first Saturday of the New Year (9th January) - we have got to do a stock take!!!!!!
Have a wonderful run up to Christmas. Don't work to hard and don't spend too much (unless its in here, of course!).
With best wishes
Lynn and the Girls.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Christmas Gift Weekend Samples
All these samples and more are on display around the shop for you to view.
Pillow Box by Nicky
Notelet Set by Tracy
If you would like to make any of the above gifts feel free to speak to Lynn or Nicky in the shop and they will see if they can arrange a 1 to 1 workshop for you.