Following a recent workshop that Lynn held on decorating Wooden Advent Calendars, one of our customers, Sue Tedeschi was inspired to make another one!
It is simply stunning, so we are so pleased to share some photos of her latest wooden
Her first project was to used the Christmas Tree shape and that inspired her to have a go at the square Kaisercraft Advent Calendar available in the shop or on-line at The Mulberry Bush.
She has used Jo Sonja's paints and mediums covering the whole calendar including the inside and outside of all those boxes!
The fun part was to choose from all those delicious Kaisercraft Christmas papers and adhere them to the front of the boxes.
They look gorgeous, don't they?
Just think of all the little gifts you could put inside each box?
And, Sue has chosen this beautiful Kaisercraft Christmas paper for the centre of the box from the Turtle Dove collection.
Thank you again Sue Tedeschi for sharing these wonderful photos.
Ten je nááádernýýýýý!!!!!!!!!