
Thursday, 20 January 2011

Newsletter - January

~2011 is here~
The nights are getting
(so I am told)

Hello Everybody

Here we are nearly into the middle of January, spring must be coming soon. So I thought I would put a picture on here that gave the feel of spring and what gives more of a spring feel than a bunch of Snowdrops? I hope it cheers you all up.

I don't think for one moment that we are through all the bad weather yet, but we must be through the worst of it.

Thinking of bad weather, my thoughts are going out to all our friends in Queensland who have be caught up in the flooding. As awful as our floods were the other year, my goodness me at least the houses were not washed away. It must be dreadful and we wish them all the best.

Talking of Australia, the son has gone walkabout over there for a few months, landed in Sydney on Monday last week. He put a posting on Facebook today saying that he went skydiving yesterday. Luckily he did not tell me until it was over, otherwise I would not have slept last night!!

Anyway, on to other things. What a few week we have had!! Between the broadband service, internet sites, emails and the weather, I am really glad to get over the end of 2010 and I am hoping that 2011 will be better. My sister is trying to convince me that I am at the end of a 7 year cycle and that things will change soon. Cannot come soon enough!!

So, what has the New Year got for us?

Well, let me begin with the new SPRING workshop leaflet which is NOW out and should be available soon on the website or for you to pick up in the shop.

And then:

We still have a few places left on the Efcolor Enamelling workshop on the 22nd January. If any of you did not get to the shop for the demonstration that Fiona did shortly before Christmas, you missed out on something. And now she is coming back to teach you all she knows - well, all she knows about Enamelling anyway!!

The workshop will last from 10 am to 1pm (yes, a whole 3 hours of play!), you are guaranteed to go home with 5 completed pieces and the cost is £20. Give me a call if you want more information.

The most important thing to remember with this enamelling system is that you do not need an expensive kiln - those days have long gone! So join us to find out all about it.

And, if that is not enough, once she has finished the workshop Fiona is going to sit in the shop (from 2 'til 4pm) demonstrating the use of Fimo!

Also, while the demonstration is going down in the shop - upstairs in the workshop Nicky will be running the first of our Image Swap afternoons. If you are into your rubber stamping why not come and share your enthusiasm. Nicky will do a basic tutorial at the start, then it is play time! Bring along your rubber stamps and share ideas on how to use the images or swap images around.

What a day to look forward to. No kids, no hubby, no housework, just great fun and lots of play. What more could you want?

The other thing to look out for is the first of our Saturday crops with Catherine. This is another new workshop and all the details are on the workshop brochure (another reason for you to pop in and see us!)

It has taken me all day to write this little newsletter, how sad is that! I am trying to work my way around this new system and I am finding it hard going. Hopefully by the next newsletter I will have worked out how to do all sorts of twiddly things. So I am going to leave this here and now. I will catch up with you all in another week or so.

I am going to go, play a game with Buzz and give Bridie a quick brush.

Have a good week and see you at playtime.

With best wishes

Lynn and the Girls.

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