
Monday, 1 November 2010

Newsletter - Nov 2010

Good Morning, Everyone

I hope that you are noticing that it is NOT the middle of the night. I am actually typing this while I have my first cup of tea of the day!!

I am sitting in bed at my Mum & Dads house. I was at my last show of the year the weekend (hooray!) and because the venue was halfway between home & the parents, I thought I would come over to see them. What a wonderful daughter I am, allowing them to give me a bed for the night!

Actually, Mum is not too well at the moment. She has had a nasty reaction to the flu jab which has left her with a bad dose of flu. Poor the Mummy. I did not make her wait on me too much last night! She is on the mend now, though.

Anyway, there are two reasons that I am writing to you all this morning, so I will get on with it.

The first one is very exciting. Today is the launch day of the new Wild Rose Studio stamps (just in time for ProMarker Saturday next weekend!!) AND we have got them in the shop!!

Unfortunately, though, because I am in Essex and the shop is shut today you cannot get your mits on them until tomorrow. Not fair! But, Catherine has put a sneak preview of them on one of our facebook pages:

so you can order them from her, or you can drop me an email ( and I will put them by for you, or you can pop into the shop tomorrow.

How exciting is that?!?

The other thing that I wanted to mention is the coach trip next weekend, to the NEC. When I left on Friday there was still some seats available for the trip.

I will be sorting out the advanced tickets tomorrow, so if you still want to come and have not booked yet, you have until mid-afternoon tomorrow to sort it out.

The details are:

The trip is to the Hobbycraft & Arts show at the NEC, ticket to include entry to the Crafts at Christmas show. We leave the Flutterby car park on the 7th November at 8.30am (next Sunday), to get to the NEC for 10ish. We leave the NEC at 4pm to get back for 6ish.

The cost is £25 per adult, £24 per concession and £17.50 per under 16's. This includes the entrance ticket.

Anybody wanting to book onto the coach after Tuesday mid-afternoon will have to arrange their own advance ticket or pay on the door.

So there you go. That is what I wanted to say.

After next weekend life should (I say 'should'!) slow down a pace for me. No more weekends away working for a couple of months, at least. And I will get back on track with the newsletters and such like. It has been a busy few months.

I will get to spend some time with my very long suffering hubby and my dogs - especially the puppy!! He is growing somewhat, without me being there to keep him in check. So I think there is some serious training about to start!!

I will also get some photos of him up on the website and the blog.

Talking of website, we are about to change ours to make it bigger and better. I will be looking for input from you all. Start photographing your favourite pieces that you have made. We will be having a customer corner with a monthly competition!! Watch this space for more news about that.

Also, I am going to change the newsletter system because I know that a lot of you are not getting this regularly. Hopefully the change will sort that out.

In the meantime have a good week. Take a look at the Wild Rose stamps. Come with us to the NEC for a day out. But, most important of all, take time out to relax and craft.

See you all soon.

Lynn and the Girls.

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