
Friday, 4 December 2009

Newsletter - 4th December

Hi Everybody

What a beautiful morning!! When we walked the dogs, at some unearthly hour, the moon was full and the sun was just coming up, the sky clear and the air was crisp. It was freezing cold with a hard frost and a mist across the fields. Absolutely charming and beautiful. I love mornings like that!

And why should it not be like that? It is December after all!! Can you believe how fast this year has gone. What an eventful year it has been. Between my little sister emigrating, Dad having his accident with the kettle, my other sister moving, Katie getting her job in London, Philip moving back in, us adopting Bridie and loosing Kes, Nicky having her operation and Gavin with his back operations - it has been a complete year of ups and downs.

From what I hear, it has been the same for so many people this year. Goodness knows which star sign planets are clashing with which, but I wish they would move on and give us all a break.

I did hear some good news yesterday, though. Some dear friends of Grant and mine became Grandparents for the first time. Their daughter had a little pair of blue bootees. Tony had desperately wanted a son but was blessed with 3 daughters, but now he had a Grandson - how wonderful.

And another friend, who is a distance away, became a Grandma to a pink pair of bootees. All is well in the world. Both babies are good and the Mums are well. Bless!

So, what is happening in the world of Flutterbys?

Well, I am going to start by congratulating Gavin (Nicky's Hubby). He is retraining as an electrician and he passed his first exams with a credit. Well done!

We are organised!! The new year workshop listing has been done and the brochure has been printed!! Never been known that we are that advanced. Joanna has worked hard on it this week and there will be a printable version on the website by the end of the weekend. Click here for the place to watch.

The brochure shows all of the regular workshops. As yet we have not sorted any specials, mainly because we have a few ideas up our sleeve which we have still to finalise. As we sort out the specials I will send a newsletter with the information and it will be posted on the website/blog.

We have been asked recently about the Christmas Wish List, so these are now available in the shop.

Joanna has been doing a wonderful job on the blog, keep it updated with news about the workshops and the projects that have been done. Nicky has made some wonderful things for the Christmas workshops. If you cannot get into the shop to look at them in person, make sure you check them out on the blog. Please leave comments, it does our hearts good to hear what you think (provided it is complimentary!!).

So, that brings me nearly to the end of this letter. I know, I know it is only a dozen pages long. I hope you have all noticed that I am not writing so many in the middle of the night these days. Grant has noticed, I am not leaving him to snore in peace!!

There will probably be only one more newsletter before the year ends and that will be Christmas week. Our Christmas opening times have been posted on the website on the 'contact us' page. But in brief, we are basically closing on Christmas Eve at lunchtime and re-opening on the Tuesday, then closing at lunchtime on New Years Eve and then we are closed until the first Saturday of the New Year (9th January) - we have got to do a stock take!!!!!!

Have a wonderful run up to Christmas. Don't work to hard and don't spend too much (unless its in here, of course!).

With best wishes

Lynn and the Girls.

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