Hi ladies tis only I.
After a rather dissapointing result in the search for a Design Team, We figured maybe you're shy or this is not what you want.
So What would you like us to be doing on your behalf. All suggestions are appreciated and welcome.
Would you like to see whats new in the shop? Just as it is now? Or just To send in projects you have made using purchases from us and are really proud of, so that we can share them with everyone.
See the little comment Higlighted purple below this message. click on that and a window will pop up, so you can let us know. Just follow the instructions.
Would love to see what is new in the shop. Also, I would love to see other people's craft projects especially using the cricut machine.
ReplyDeleteCome on everyone we all have talent. Seeing other peoples’ projects inspires us all and gets the creative juices flowing.
I pick up loads of ideas from looking at other cards and projects.....let's get sharing, it's fun.
Joanna x