
Sunday, 9 November 2008

What a weekend! Having had an early (very early) start yesterday it has been a very interesting, great fun and relaxing weekend.

The Christmas Gift making day was extremely successful for the ladies that took part. I keep meaning to take photos on the workshop days so that you can all get a feel for it, but I get carried away and forget. Anyway, Nicky and I made everybody work like mad to decorate a beautiful glass bowl, a candle with matching mat and a memoboard. It was hard work, but great fun. Then Katie came in and things quietened down while everybody made handbag charms. Not bad for a days work!

Then I had my day off of work (Thanks to Catherine & Toni looking after the shop with some help from Nicky and Katie!). Grant and I went out for a lovely walk with the dogs this morning and managed not to get wet!! After that we went out for a drive and did some secret shopping - well we did not actually buy anything, mainly because there was nothing to buy, but we did see a new aquarium that we would like. Looks like we have sorted out a joint Christmas present.

A little doze over my book while Hubby watched rugby this afternoon, then off for a superb dinner with the Phil and Katie. What a wonderful end to the weekend and I still have got Monday to look forward to!

I did not get any beading done, though. Looks like I might have to do some of that tomorrow!!

I hope you have all had a good weekend and that the coming week is good for you all.

Lynn xx

1 comment:

  1. Never mind the beading, you have work to do, (if i am working, so are you) LOL!!

