
Thursday, 30 September 2010

Jo Sonja Craft Club

Flutterby Crafts would like to welcome Maria Arkwright who will be running the Saturday, Jo Sonja Craft Club.

Maria was initially a card maker and has been to many workshops over the years. However, her crafting skills took a turn over a year ago when she attended her 1st Jo Sonja Workshop weekend. Maria read the information about the workshop which had been posted here on the blog. At the very last minute, Maria realised she had a free weekend and booked herself onto the Jo Sonja workshop.

I don't think Maria will mind me saying but Jo Sonja paints, mediums and napkin art have almost become an obsession......if there is any household article that can take a lick of paint Maria will Jo Sonja it!

Here are 2 examples of her stunning work........

Apron decorated with napkins by Maria

Lovely trinket box, decorated using crackle
with Jo Sonja paints and mediums.

So, if you have not tried this class, why not join Maria at her monthly Jo Sonja workshops and give it a go.

She will help you make the most of your projects using her extensive knowledge and expertise, inspiring you to decorate lots of household objects.

If you would like to see our Jo Sonja Gallery of projects and a lovely Day Out Plaque, also by Maria please click here.

Monday, 27 September 2010

More Tonic Studio!

Shape-Mates Ovals

Last week I put an entry on the blog regarding our huge stock of Tonic Studio products. I thought I would show you another card designed by Nicky using the Shape-Mates Oval for this shaker card.

The Oval set contains 3 Oval templates allowing a total of 6 different sized cuts.

Nicky used the Milton Christmas 6x6 Paper Stack and the Milton with Sledge acrylic stamp from Wild Rose Studio.

All the above items are in stock at our shop, based in West Berkshire, so why not pop down and visit Lynn and the girls. If you are not local to the area, you can now order through our on-line shop, The Mulberry Bush and look in the appropriate sections.

Nicky runs some amazing classes, so why don't you check our workshop brochure and join one of her classes.

Also, check our new Christmas Gallery to view some of her inspiring cards which will be added weekly.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Time to vote for Milton!

On 4th September we were very honoured to have a visit from Dulcie Jackson from Wild Rose Studio. She held a drop in session in the morning and joined us at the ProMarker Challenge club in the afternoon showing us blending techniques with our ProMarkers.

You may remember this sketch that she set for this month's ProMarker challenge using the Milton Christmas stamps that she has designed herself......clever girl!

We have had a great response to the challenge, so if you would like to vote on-line leaving your name and a comment on your favourite card, please click the comments section below.

Card #1

Card #2

Card #3

Card #4

Card #5

Card #6

The winning card will be announced at the next ProMarker Challenge Club on 2nd October.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Tonic Studio

We now stock a wide range of Tonic Studio products. There are lots of Shapes-Mates, Tools, Paper Punches and Punches using the Tonic Studio Border System.

Square Shape Mates

Why not visit our on-line shop and look in the Craft Tools and Craft Punches sections. Also, you could visit our shop to see for yourself all the Tonic Studio products that we have in stock.

Here is a card that Nicky made using the Shape-Mates square to make the shaker part of the card.

The squares set contains 3 square templates allowing a total of 6 different sized cuts but are also great for those shaker cards.......don't you think?

Monday, 20 September 2010

Chinese Crystal Bracelet

Last Thursday evening at the Jewellery workshop with Lynn, the girls made this lovely Chinese Crystal and Pearl bracelet.

If you would like to learn more about jewellery making and beading, why not check out our workshops here.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Rubber Stamp Club

If you would like to learn some more rubber stamping techniques, come and join our monthly Rubber Stamp Club.

Rubber Stamp Club
Saturday, 18 September
2.00 - 4.00pm

(Click on image above for further details)

Nicky will be showing you lots of techniques that you can use with your Rubber Stamps. Whether you are a beginner or have dabbled at rubber stamping you are sure to learn something new!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Friday, ProMarker Club

Just to remind you all that we have a NEW ProMarker Club starting :-

Friday, 17 September - 10.30-12.30

We have put this class on during the week so that those of you who are unable to make our monthly Saturday ProMarker Club may now have a chance to pick up lots of colouring techniques from our very talented Nicky Hayden.

Please check the dates for the Friday, ProMarker Club listed in the Autumn Workshop Calendar.

Nicky has been preparing lots of Christmas card samples from the Milton Christmas range by Wild Rose Studio. In Blue Peter fashion "Here is one she made earlier".

For more details and to book your place for the Friday, ProMarker Club, either call into the shop, telephone us on 01635 860900 or e-mail

So we look forward to seeing some new faces on Friday!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Jo Sonja Club

Just a quick reminder for those of you interested in all things crafty, that the Jo Sonja Saturday Craft Club resumes on Saturday, 11th September.

Click above image for enlarged details.

.......and for those of you that are unable to attend on Saturdays, there is a NEW midweek Jo Sonja Club starting on Wednesday, 8th September (please check here for dates and times).

ProMarker pens

For those of you who are interested in colouring or would like to know more about ProMarker pens, why not come along to the next ProMarker Challenge Club held on Saturday, 2nd October.

If you are unable to attend the ProMarker Challenge Club (which is normally held on the 1st Saturday of each month) there is a NEW Friday ProMarker Club held once a month with Nicky, 10.30 'til 12.30. Please check the workshop calendar for dates.

Last Saturday, when Dulcie Jackson visited us at the Flutterby Crafts ProMarker Challenge Club, she demonstrated blending techniques and kindly gave us a sketch for the next challenge.

Here above is the sketch for the next ProMarker Challenge Club along with the stamped images of the adorable Milton Christmas stamps that we can choose to use.

The prize is 2 ProMarker pens to add to your collection but you do need to attend the monthly challenge club to be eligible. So come along it is such fun!

I can't wait to see the entries which I will put on the blog next week.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

A day with Dulcie Jackson

Yesterday we had a visit from the very talented Dulcie Jackson from Wild Rose Studio. She is the creator of the Milton Christmas stamps and more recently Fergus the Dragon which are all available at
Flutterby Crafts. At the FREE DEMO in the morning she showed us how to colour stamped images with ProMarkers pens.

She gave us heaps of tips on colour combinations.

Here below Dulcie has used non traditional colours for the Milton with Stocking stamp.
In the afternoon at our monthly ProMarker Challenge Club, Dulcie showed us her gorgeous Milton Christmas card samples. Dulcie demonstrated blending techniques using ProMarkers and she made it look so easy!

We were then given a page of stamped Milton images and couldn't wait to use our ProMarkers..... and get colouring! Suddenly the room went very quiet as we all concentrated with the odd comment "Has anyone got Berry Red?", "What colour blends best with Cinnamon?"

Dulcie and Nicky were on hand to give us on going tips.
We all had a most enjoyable day. I think everyone went home with many more ProMarkers than they came in with and several Milton stamps in their bags that need to be hidden away quickly from our hubbies!

Thank you Duclie for a fantastic day!

Friday, 3 September 2010

NEW stamps - Fergus the dragon

There is so much happening with Wild Rose Studio at the moment and the news keeps getting better and better.

We have just had a delivery of the newly released FERGUS THE DRAGON stamps and they are sooooooo gorgeous. If you want to be the 1st to own these stamps why not pop down to Flutterby Crafts and see for yourself.

Remember on the DEMONSTRATION DAY there will be
10% off all the Wild Rose Studio range!

It's going to be a great day tomorrow in the company of Dulcie Jackson, Milton and Fergus so, come and join in the fun.

Milton Christmas Range

Here are some of the lovely Milton Christmas stamps that
Dulcie Jackson will be using at the FREE DEMONSTRATION
on Saturday, 4th September
(click here for more details).

Milton with Poinsettia by Dulcie Jackson

Christmas Milton by Dulcie Jackson

These gorgeous stamps have been designed by Dulcie Jackson of Wild Rose Studio so, this is a great opportunity to see how she uses her stamps and colour them with ProMarker pens.

Lynn will have plenty of stock of
The Milton Christmas range and ProMarker pens
which will be available for purchase on the day.

10% off all Wild Rose Studio range - one day only!

We hope that you can come along to our
FREE DEMONSTRATION on Saturday, 4th September.

See you all there!!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Free Demo - Milton Christmas Range

Please click here for bigger image and
click here for details on our monthly ProMarker Club.